
Wednesday, 13 April 2011

How to connect a magic mouse to an iPad.

If you have been using your iPad on a desk with the official iPad Keyboard Dock accessory, you might have felt the need of having a mouse to control iPad’s screen. This is because it is more convenient to use a pointing device for interacting with a device when it is placed in a standing position on a desk, just like how we do with our desktop monitors, notebooks/netbooks and so on.
So the other day, I gave BTstack Mouse app a go on my jailbroken iPad and was pretty impressed with the result. Not only did it worked with Apple Magic Mouse, but also with almost all the other Bluetooth enabled mice I had. For those of you who don’t know, BTstack Mouse is a free utility which was first released earlier this year for jailbroken iPhones and iPod touch.
Here is a little video I did which shows a jailbroken iPad being controlled by Magic Mouse.
Follow the steps below to get it working on your iPad.
Step 1: Make sure you have a jailbroken iPad. Follow the complete instructions posted here for jailbreaking your iPad with Spirit if you haven’t already.
Step 2: Install BTstack Mouse app from Cydia. It is available under BigBoss repository.

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