
Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Hands-on: The 10 hottest new features of iOS 5 for iPhone and iPad

This autumn, Apple's army of touchscreen gadgets will get what is perhaps their biggest update yet. iOS 5, which will be made available for most iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch users, will introduce roughly 200 new features. Sadly, we can't cover all 200. We'd be here forever telling you that you can now use the volume buttons to snap pictures, have an profile picture in Game Center, edit images in the Photos app, or have custom ringtones on iPhone. But, we have been using iOS 5 on the iPad for two weeks now, and have chosen ten new features from the forthcoming update that we think are especially cool, and will transform your iPhone or iPad...

Apple eyes LG to break iPad 3 display monopoly after Apple and Samsungs "tit-for-tat"

Unsubstantiated rumors coming from Korea suggest that Apple is trying to break Samsung's as-yet exclusive contract to supply touch panels for the forthcoming iPad 3 The Korea Times says its secret sources have discovered that the Cupertino-based gadget maker is currently in talks with LG as well as Samsung to supply touch-screen LCD panels for the next generation of the popular tablet device, and that both companies are close to signing deals. Until now, it has been widely thought that Samsung is Apple's sole supplier, but ongoing legal battles between the two tech titans may have forced Apple to look elsewhere to avoid a situation where its...

Power your phone with thin air? The gadget that can generate energy from the atmosphere

Researchers believe they have discovered a device which may be able to power your phone and other electronic items from energy in the air. They have found that by harnessing energy from the air around us could potentially power wireless sensors, microprocessors and communications chips. These 'energy scavenging' devices could even be stored in places like our shoes and can be used by itself or with other generating technologies Manos Tentzeris, professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, said: 'There is a large amount of electromagnetic energy all around us, but nobody has been able to tap into it.' If a battery...

Monday, 18 July 2011

iPhone 5 scrapped, Apple to release iPhone 4S this year

For those who were counting on an iPhone 5 this year, it looks like you may be waiting another year. To my  amazement an Apple analyst reported that Apple has no plans to make major improvements in their next generation iPhone.  Instead, they will make minor adjustments, such as an upgraded camera, A5 dual-core processor, upgraded memory, and possibly HSPA+.  Additionally, Apple may make the next generation iPhone available on Sprint and T-Mobile (Hooray for T-Mobile customers) However, the analyst reported that the next generation iPhone will not support 4G, contradicting earlier rumors.Due to the next iPhone only making minor...

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