
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Apple Is Said to Pay About $50 Million for Chomp and their wonder app

The US apps discovery startup Chomp has been obtained by Apple for a rumoured $50m (£32m), as it looks to make it easier and simpler for iOS users to find the best iPhone and iPad apps. The news was first proclaimed by TechCrunch which claims "Apple has bought the Chomp team and technology and plans to use both to completely revamp App Store search and recommendations". TechCrunch's story gave no price tag for the deal, however since then Bloomberg has claimed that Apple paid around $50m (£32) for Chomp. Apple has confirmed it's 'addition but not the price. spokeswoman Amy Bessette told Bloomberg: "We buy smaller technology companies from...

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Review: Silicone Horn Stand Speaker for Apple iPhone 4 from Bone (

Over recent months we have seen lots of add-ons for the iPhone and iPad etc. such as joysticks, controllers and even add-on lightsabers??!?!??!! However one of the most useful and practical "add-ons" has got to be the Silicone Horn Stand Speaker for Apple iPhone 4 from Bone ( How it Works and what colours it comes in etc. The design does not just look unique for the sake of it but improves the output volume "the old school way" through an acoustic amplifier. (picture) Like a trumpet sound is concentrated through the horn amplifying it without electronics or batteries. How the Silicone horn stand amplifies the sound...

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Announcement of iPad 3 First Week of March......

There has been alot of talk and rumours online on the subject of the new iPad 3 due out this year. Of those rumors, one of them has been when we are going to here the official word from Apple, in relation to the presentation, announcement and showing of the product. "AllThingsD" is now saying that Apple will in fact be announcing the iPad 3, to the world at a point during the first week of March 2012 . After that announcement, the iPad 3 should then be availible for purchase at some point during the second and third week of March in North America.“Apple’s not holding an event in...

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